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What Treatment For Hair Loss Is The Right Choice?

Hi everyone! As a famous, muscular, Hollywood star turned politician, whose nose was the only expressive element in his face once said, “I’m back!”

This time, Hairini is here to erase off the common misconception people have about hair loss and its treatment. Well, as a hair expert, it is my duty to enrich you with as much knowledge as tramitar tarjetas de credito en linea Plata I can, that too when the world is getting expertly misled by false promotions and information.

Now imagine this situation. You have a green, beautiful flowering plant. You keep applying water, fertilizers and nutrients to its stem and leaves, for days together. You add nothing to the soil or to its root. The plant starts wilting, turning weaker and weaker as the time progresses. You then buy an expensive bottle of mineral water and sprinkle to its stem; follow it by adding chemically enriched, highly researched fertilizers to leaves and flowers. Do you really think the plant will survive?

This is exactly the process that a majority of population is made to believe when it comes to hair-treatments. Buy expensive hair oil or a costly shampoo; apply on the hair and tadaaa! The hair loss problem gets solved! True it will get solved once and for all since you would have no hair left to care for. This is as absurd as expecting the plant mentioned above to survive.


As detailed in last blog post, the male sex hormone Testosterone gets converted to more potent form Dihydrotestosterone aka DHT which is the main cause for pattern baldness. So the main problem here is the genetic sensitivity to DHT. The DHT strikes at the root of the hair and weakens the hair, from inside. When hair follicle comes back to anagen phase (growth), the hair gets thinned out and the follicle weakens until no hair is produced at all. When the problem is internal, what’s the use of rubbing the scalp continuously with oils and shampoos? They can, at the most, produce static electricity.


Each hair in our head is connected to a blood vessel which supplies all the essential nutrients for healthy hair growth. Ever wondered why it never pains when a hair is cut but pains terribly when it is plucked? That’s because a hair lives on its root, a touch below the scalp layer.

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People who suffer from hair loss have blood vessels without adequate nutrition at hair’s root. So, in order for hair to grow again we need to breathe life back into these tiny vessels.

To do so, all the essential nutrients for hair growth have to be supplied to the hair internally, i.e., any effective treatment for hair loss must be taken orally. The next time someone suggests you just a topical treatment to your hair loss problem, feel free to laugh at them. Ignorance is bliss, for those who mislead.

With hopes of completing an educative post once again, this is Hairini, the hair care expert signing off. See you again with a new post, in a very short time. Until then, take care of your hair.


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