Androgen or Androanagen? The Difference Is Huge

Hi everyone! It has been quite a while since I caught up with you all. I am now back to share some more information I knew about hair-care. This time, about the very important difference you might need to know on one of the ever-confusing homophone pair in the hair-care industry – Androgen and Androanagen.

We live in a world where confusions are bound to occur. Here, ‘minit’ and ‘mineyoot’ are both spelled as minute; deodorant and condom ads are nothing but the same; Bollywood heroines with and without make-up are two different women altogether; and God is… hehehe… one. So, it’s quite natural for people, who come across the words Androgen and Androanagen while reading hair-care articles, to get confused between the two. Never mind, Hairini, the hair care expert is always here to clear off your confusions.


Androgens are group of hormones that play a very important role in male traits and reproductive activity. And no, these androgens are not sexists. They do find their presence in women too. Both men and women produce these hormones; it’s just that the quantity differs.

In males, the most prominent and active Androgen is Testosterone. In women, Androgens are converted into female hormones called Estrogens. Both are sex hormones, and hence, quite unsurprisingly, always make an interesting read.


You may think that hair-loss occurs because of stress, because of pre-birth karma, because of your Manager who calls at 2AM and asks you to submit a four-hundred page report in the next seventeen minutes, because of the rainbow colours you dyed your hair with, and because nature considered you to be sexier with a bit of baldness. I am not saying that you are wrong; I am saying these, if true, are only the peripheral causes. Deep under those thinning black strands of hair, there’s a much more evil villain.

An androgen called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is a potent form of Testosterone and is produced with a help of a protein called 5 Alpha Reductase

Experts say that 95% of cases male pattern baldness occurs because of the effects of DHT on their hair follicles.

When DHT gets into the hair follicles, it reduces the absorption of vital nutrients for healthy hair growth thereby, leading to male pattern baldness.


If there’s a villain, there has to be a hero, isn’t it? Well, at least that’s how the world has been designed; very cinematic. The triumph of good over evil all through the story, with a few item numbers sprinkled here and there. Say hello to our hero, ANDROANAGEN.

Androanagen is a comprehensive treatment for hair loss. Its unique combination effectively tackles Androgenetic Alopecia and addresses the issue from the root. Androanagen is designed keeping in mind all the essential nutrients required for healthy hair growth. The ingredients in Androanagen not only help in effectively managing the hair loss but are absolutely safe as well.

ANDROANAGEN: Site-Specific Treatment for Androgenetic Alopecia

Hair is a live tissue inside the head and a dead tissue outside the head. Anything that addresses hairfall, therefore, has to work from within the body. And Androanagen works wonderfully well from within the body by addressing the root cause of the problem, ie., the Hair loss. Androanagen supplies all the necessary essential nutrients, amino acids, minerals, etc., that works right at the area of problem, i.e., at the follicle and treats hair loss from within. It increases the blood supply and provides all the necessary food for your hair to have a healthy growth. Very typical of a hero, isn’t it? Yeah, now hoot and whistle for the hero and while you are at it, let me silently sign off. Meet you in my next post. Don’t pull your hairs till then…


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